Depending on which segment, we offer up to 5-year limited warranty regarding the product's correct function. Racing products are excluded.
In case of technical failures we will repair or exchange the product free of charge.
Just as the oil in an engine needs to be replaced, the oil in a damper should be changed because as with the engine oil it deals with extreme pressure, temperatures and friction.
With each stroke of travel, the smooth surfaces inside your suspension pick up microscopic particles of debris. Those particles are drawn into the oil and over time contaminate the interior passageways and valves. As the hours of use accumulate, so does the contamination. Your high-performance suspension will begin to lose its ability to generate damping forces.
To keep your suspension performing at the highest level, servicing according to our service instruction is necessary. Please note that racing products are excluded from warranty.
Servicing your suspension is an important part of maintaining its performance and protecting your investment.
Take care of your suspension and it will continue to perform as designed.

Find more information on how to best care for and maintain the top performance in your Öhlins suspension. Here you can search and access all our product related documentation.